Small Business Week Events Scheduled for May 5-8

jueves 13 de marzo de 2025, 20:28h

Celebrate Small Business Week from May 5-8, with a series of events honoring small business owners. Join us to recognize and support local entrepreneurs in our community. For more details, visit the official Miami-Dade County news page.

The upcoming week will be dedicated to honoring small business owners, with a series of events scheduled from May 5 to May 8.

These activities aim to recognize the vital role that small businesses play in the community and the economy. Participants can look forward to various events designed to celebrate entrepreneurship and foster connections among local business owners.

Events Highlight

Throughout the week, attendees will have opportunities to engage in networking sessions, workshops, and informational panels. These events are crafted to provide valuable insights and resources for small business growth and sustainability.

Join us in supporting our local entrepreneurs as we highlight their contributions and achievements during this special week dedicated to small businesses.

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